About Us

Holland Moran specializes in securing global suppliers of metals and metal-based applications, across the entire value chain – raw metals, high-purity metals, alloys, salts, powders, coating, and brazing materials.

We have been serving customers for over 86 years, working hard to ensure that the raw materials you need are sourced and delivered efficiently. We understand that delivery must be on time and material compositions must be sourced methodically to ensure your research, and manufacturing can move forward. We know that sourcing even a single unique or rare metal can advance entire processes. As such, we have created a team whose true specialty is doing everything we can to help our customers succeed.  

Holland Moran sources suppliers that adhere to the highest quality and industry specific standards in both off-the-shelf products and customized solutions. If you are a supplier that would like to distribute in Israel – contact us. 

:Industries we serve

Air Conditioning





Judaica & Goldsmiths

Laser industry

Oil & Gas



Research Laboratories



Interested in becoming a HM supplier?